Over the past 5,000 years (or so), yoga has seen incredible growth in popularity, evolving from one of the world’s oldest religious texts into an industry worth billions. Despite the intimidating poses on Instagram and leggings with a triple-figure price tag, yoga is for everyone, and it always has been.
When the world seems to be anything but relaxed and zen, it’s important to find ways to encourage calm within your own bubble. Here’s how to make yoga work for you.

Television or tablet - If you wish to follow along with a class
Speaker - If you prefer to play music. Skip this one if you practise in silence
If possible, try to leave your phone in another room to avoid distractions or interruptions.

Nidra - Also known as ‘yogic sleep’, is a tremendously powerful form of meditation. One of the easiest forms of yoga, in terms of postures, but also the most mentally difficult
Qi Jong - Bearing similar elements to tai chi, Qi Jong focuses on deep restoration through gentle moving meditation and focused breathing
Kundalini - An energy-focused practice that involves singing, chanting, breathing and repetitive poses
Iyengar - With a strong focus on alignment and form, Iyengar uses props and is great for injury recovery and rehabilitation
Jivamukti - A powerful and structured practice that doesn’t shy away from the spiritual side of yoga
Ashtanga - A high-energy flow that follows a specific structure
Vinyasa - The focus here is on stringing postures together with the aim of moving from one to another as seamlessly as possible, all connected by the breath